Chopel's naughty Comments
... naughty Chopel's Comments

Chopel is a greying man living at an 'outpost of the Buddhist Kingdom' according to his unflinching definition. His folks call him an outsider. He doesn't care. He's a peaceable chap still smiling when confronted with foul manners, arrogance or injustice. Misled by his twinkling eyes and relaxed bearing, one doesn't realize the full depth of his devastating criticism at once, usually. But his calm comments in such situations are vitriolic.
Chopel has seen the world. All the same, he maintains a keen interest in the whole of former Sikkim and closely observes what's going on. As such, he's affected every now and then with what he calls 'essential tremor', meaning he can't stop shaking the head in disbelief. A sarcastic rant or a hearty laugh is the usual cure.
Despite being a pious Buddhist, he says he's too young he could face the Chogyal with religious veneration ... and too old to assign such veneration to the king's elected successors as his kinsmen often do. This does not suit a democracy - and he bursts out laughing as, "in Sikkim, democracy means one and the same party to get some 115% of the total votes cast."
He mostly has a dictum ready to express his credo. "People should not fear their government. Governments should fear their people", for example. He's of the firm belief that he himself is the only person he can ever bring to change. Accordingly, he'll invariably point you to the Man in the Mirror, if asked about the reason for this or that failure.
We are glad Chopel agreed to share with us his naughty comments, from time to time.
He doesn't spare anyone, not even himself. Read at your own risk!
Previous columns:
Sikkileaks - Former Chief Secretary Sonam Wangdi Bhutia faces another campaign of intimidation.
Fear Biter - Chief Minister Pawan Kumar Chamling prompts Panchayats to oppress homosexuals.
SDF - Sikkim Democratic Failures - 20 years and still bragging strong.
SKM Lacks and Scores - First Impressions of Sikkim Krantikari Morcha.
Choyul - an Ambigram - Is it Tibet? Or Sikkim? May be both at the same time? Find out yourself ...
Bag the Rong ... the next Attempt - GTA Sabha agrees to keep the Lepcha from handling their own affairs. Darjeeling, 14th December 2012
False Saviours - Bhoj Raj Rai, fellow campaigner of P. S. Tamang, makes a memorable announcement in Soshing, 22nd November 2012
Rascal's Tussles - Orthodox and dissident Members of the Sikkim Democratic Front clash in Namthang, 14th October 2012
Illustration: Pastel by Goray Douglas (1920 - 1976), Darjeeling, 1955